Mentions of Diamonds in Romance: The One Carat Diamond

There are over 1000 romance novels in our house. Maybe two thousand. My wife also borrows a stack from the library every time we go there. If ever I am tasked with returning the books myself I make sure the librarian understands that it wasn't me who borrowed them. This always gets a laugh. As if they'd care who reads what.

Anyway here is my tribute to romance novels, and for the wonderful escape they provide to women around the globe. And men too, I'm sure.

I've started collecting mentions of diamonds in romance, fantasy, and other pulp fiction. This is of course a gargantuan task but I actually had a lot of fun seeing the weird and wonderful phrases that include various types of diamonds.

Today's post will include the phrases or paragraphs that mention a "one carat diamond".

A Wild Surge of Guilty Passion
Hansen Ron
..On Ruth’s twentieth birthday, Albert gifted her with a box of chocolates and she discovered inside a little jewelry box and a one-carat diamond solitaire...

Preston Douglas, Child Lincoln
..A Tiffany-cut one-carat diamond set in platinum that had cost him four large on 47th Street. He’d done well. Here came Tanya, giggling and gasping....

Winning Dawn
King Thayer
..A one carat diamond sat in the center of two sapphire baguettes. Dawn was so afraid of losing it that she didn’t wear it most days...

The Mystery at Lilac Inn
Keene Carolyn
..“This is a perfect one-carat diamond!” he exclaimed. “If you’re interested in selling, I’ll be happy to make an offer.”...

Winning Dawn
King Thayer
..A one carat diamond sat in the center of two sapphire baguettes. Dawn was so afraid of losing it that she didn’t wear it most days....

Love Potion #69
Vaughn Eve
..A one-carat diamond stud glittered in his left ear, adding to the appeal of his sculpted features. She’d never noticed how sensual his lips looked....

Christmas Noir
Karmazin Barbara
..The one-carat diamond pinned to the high-necked collar matched the diamond studs at her earlobes. Tanny stood at the bottom of the staircase....

Christmas in Magnolia Cove
Hanna Rachel
..Twisting the one carat diamond ring he gave her around on her finger, which had become a habit, made her stomach churn....

The Secret Hangman
Lovesey Peter
..The end product is a small, but exquisite, one-carat diamond.’...

Taboo: Taking Instruction
Cheyenne McCray
..Nestled in the black velvet was at least a one-carat diamond solitaire. “I love you.”...

Cafe Romeo
Gabriel Kristin
..Displayed in the center, on a cushion of crushed blue velvet, was an exquisite one carat diamond ring surrounded by a circle of small, sparkling sapphires...

Please Me, Tease Me
De Young Gail
..Tears blurred her vision as she tore off the wrapping paper and opened the box to uncover the beautiful oval-cut one-carat diamond....

She Wolf
Jackson Myla
..With the force of her swing, the one-carat diamond hit him square in the forehead leaving a bright red gash. “Hey!”...

Leigh Jayha
..I didn’t have the one carat diamond solitaire I wanted to present her with....
..Aquila didn’t require a one-carat diamond solitaire....

Murder On The Leviathan
Akunin Boris
..According to Tavernier's formula, which is used by jewellers all over the world, the value of a single stone is calculated by taking the market value of a one carat diamond and multiplying it by the square of the number of carats in the stone concerned....
..A one carat diamond costs about fifteen pounds on the Antwerp exchange. Eighty squared is six thousand four hundred. Multiply by fifteen

Mission Creek Mother-To-Be
Harbison Eizabeth
..“One-carat diamond stud. Oh, my God, what am I going to do?” He gave her an impatient glance before turning his attention back to the child....
..One carat diamond?” Melanie understood his implication. “I’m not worried about the diamond,” she said, drawing herself up....

Girl's Best Friend [Short stories]
Cutler Judith
..If you got brave enough to replace a one-carat diamond, say, with a fake one, you could profit by four or five thousand pounds.”   I nodded....

Trouble's Brewing
Shepherd Linda Evans, Everson Eva Marie
..If I get her a one-carat diamond ring, she wants a two-carat cluster.” I narrowed my eyes and focused on dicing the potatoes..

Texas Blaze
Rawlins Debbi
..Standing apart from the crowd, she leaned against the kitchen door and stared down at the sparkling one-carat diamond ring on her finger....

Spindler Erica
..They had fancy hood ornaments and gleamed like the one-carat diamond ring Lurline Gentry had flashed around down at the Cut ‘n Curl until everyone had...

Chasing Sunsets
Everson Eva Marie
..At Easter, Charlie—already employed by his family business—snuck a simple one-carat diamond ring into one of the plastic eggs in the basket my mother had..

The Preacher's Daughters: Eye for an Eye
Gilmore Sheri
..Turning to face Mark David, she pulled the one-carat diamond ring from her finger....

Which one did you like the most? Let me know in the comments.


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